1·In 1955, he became a test pilot.
2·A test pilot needs plenty of nerve.
3·Being a test pilot is an inherently very risky business.
4·She was an Air Force test pilot who saw combat in Desert Storm.
5·In the cockpit ahead of a 1966 flight is NASA test pilot Milt Thompson.
6·"Nobody wanted to fly the XF-92," NACA test pilot Scott Crossfield said.
“没有人想要飞翔的XF型- 92”的NACA试飞员斯科特·菲尔德说。
7·Test pilot John Griffith pokes his head out of an X-1 to chat with ground crew members.
试飞员约翰·格里菲思戳他的头从一个X - 1进行交谈与地面机组人员。
8·Methods Identification of bacterial culture and sensitivity test pilot plate were taken.
9·After the war, he worked as a test pilot. He flew planes designed by his younger brother Burt.
10·Today's activities are designed to give the test pilot a feel for how the plane moves on the ground.
她告诉BBC的记者说:“今天太棒了,我们都非常激动。 今天的测试内容是让飞行员体验一下飞机在地面上移动的时候感觉如何。”
1·After graduation, he flew A-6 Intruders in the U.S. Marine Corps, became a test pilot and colonel, and, on his second try, was accepted in 1985 into the elite astronaut program.
毕业后,他是美国海军陆战队A - 6入侵者的飞行员,成为一个试飞员和上校,在第二次尝试中,1985年被精英宇航员计划录取。
2·Then the former Marine test pilot and astronaut reiterates his invitation to come back down for one of the last Shuttle launches: "It's just a phenomenal thing to see, " he says. "Phenomenal."
3·After the war, he worked as a test pilot. He flew planes designed by his younger brother Burt.
4·This first flight was for me a very intense moment, ” test pilot Markus Scherdel said after emerging from the solar airplane’s podlike cockpit.
“这次试飞对我来说是很紧张的时刻。” 走出太阳能飞机豆荚样的机舱后,试飞员马库斯·谢尔德(Markus Scherdel)说。
5·You know him better as the first human to step onto the surface of the moon, but in 1960, Neil Armstrong was a test pilot for NASA.